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  1. String concatenation in C

    C program to concatenate two strings; for example, if the two input strings are ... its length before concatenation. But, it'll increase the code size. Make a copy of the first string before concatenation. This ... 100 ] ;         printf ( "Enter source string \n " ) ;     gets ( original ) ;   ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 04/10/2020 - 11:26

  2. Paint program in C

    Paint program in C to draw different shapes using mouse such as line, circle, pixel and many ... change the color, clear the screen. /* To understand the code see output below the code, it will help you in understanding the code. */ C paint program #include<graphics.h> #include<dos.h> ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 12:26

  3. Sum of n numbers in C

    Sum of n numbers in C: This program adds n numbers that a user inputs. The user enters a number ... = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); C program to find sum of n numbers using a for loop #include <stdio.h> ... ( ) {   int n , sum = 0 , c , value ;     printf ( "How many numbers you want to add? ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 10/12/2019 - 23:42

  4. Arithmetic operations in C

    C program to perform basic arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, ... of two numbers/integers that user inputs. Division in C In C language, when we divide two integers, we get an integer result, e.g., 5/2 ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 11/10/2020 - 01:08

  5. String compare in C

    How to compare strings in C? You can use do it using strcmp function , without strcmp function and ... = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); C compare strings #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> ... program: Download Compare Strings program. C string comparison program We can create a function to compare two ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 08:50

  6. Function overloading in C++

    ... known as compile-time polymorphism. Function overloading C++ program #include <iostream> using namespace std ; ... double, and other data types. In the functions, the code is the same but data types are different, C++ provides a solution to this ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 31/10/2019 - 22:18

  7. C Game Programming Tutorial

    C game programming tutorial is for all those who wish to make their games or ... mouse button is clicked etc. Here you will find sample source code and programs, you can also download executable files so you can understand ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 28/07/2019 - 20:54

  8. C program to count number of vowels in a string

    C program to count number of vowels in a string: for example, in the string ... || []).push({}); Count vowels in a string in C #include <stdio.h> int main ( ) {   int c = 0 , count = 0 ;   char s [ 1000 ] ; ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  9. Armstrong number in C

    Armstrong number C program to check whether a number is an Armstrong number or not, it's a ... then the number is an Armstrong number otherwise not. C program to print Armstrong numbers ... + 1 + 823543 +128 + 78125) Armstrong number program in C #include <stdio.h> int power ( int , int ) ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 12/12/2019 - 21:06

  10. C program to find HCF and LCM

    C program to find HCF and LCM: The code below finds the highest common factor and the least common multiple of two ... || []).push({}); HCF of two numbers in C #include <stdio.h> int main ( ) {   int a ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 10/12/2019 - 20:50
