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  1. C program to find the largest of three numbers

    C program to find the largest of three numbers: User will input three integers ... of operator and '&&' is the logical AND operator. C program to determine largest of three numbers #include <stdio.h> ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 30/10/2019 - 22:45

  2. C program draw bar chart

    C program to draw a bar chart using graphics. The chart is drawn using bars filled with different styles and colors. C program #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> int ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  3. C program to draw a 3d bar chart

    This C program draws a 3d bar chart. C program #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> int ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  4. C countdown program

    C graphics program which performs countdown for 30 seconds. C program #include <graphics.h> #include <dos.h> #include ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  5. C program to draw circles in circles

    C program to draw circles in circles in two different colors. C program #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  6. C++ program to generate random numbers

    C++ program to print random numbers. C++ programming code #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 31/10/2019 - 19:57

  7. C++ program to reverse a string

    C++ program to reverse a string that a user will input, for example, if the user enters "hello," then "olleh" will be printed as output. C++ program #include <iostream> #include <cstring> using ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 12:08

  8. C program to display mouse pointer in graphics mode

    This program displays mouse pointer in graphics mode. First graphics mode is initialized and then mouse using initmouse. C program #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> ... , gm ;    initgraph ( & gd ,& gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;    status = initmouse ( ) ; ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  9. C program to check if mouse support is available or not

    /* Program to check if mouse driver is loaded or not */ C program #include <dos.h> #include <conio.h> int ... ( o. x . ax ) ; } C programming: Mouse Programs ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  10. C program to compare large numbers (integers)

    ... positive, zero or negative, we will take care of it in our program. Algorithm of comparing: If both numbers are positive: If the ... number which is smaller in magnitude is the larger one. C program to compare numbers using string #include <stdio.h> ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 16/11/2019 - 09:19
