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  1. Interface in Java

    Interface in Java: Java interfaces are like Java classes, but they contain only static final constants and declaration of ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 08:26

  2. Java program to open Notepad

    Java program to open Notepad, it's a text editor installed in the Windows ... used for creating and editing text files. You may be writing Java programs in it, but you can also open it from your Java program. How to open Notepad using Java program? import ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 20:46

  3. Java program to compare two strings

    How to compare two strings in Java, i.e., test whether they are equal or not? The compareTo method of ... of its two objects. The method is case sensitive, i.e., "java" and "Java" are two different strings for it. If you wish to compare them without ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 08:42

  4. If else program in Java

    The if-else Java program uses if-else to execute statement(s) when a condition holds. Below ... a simple application that explains the usage of if-else in Java programming language. In the program, a user input marks obtained in an ... = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Java programming if else statement // If else in Java code ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 04/12/2019 - 00:32

  5. Bubble sort in Java

    Bubble sort in Java to sort numbers of an array in ascending/descending order. Bubble sort program in Java import java.util.Scanner ; class BubbleSort {   public ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 20:40

  6. Java program to get IP address

    Java program to print the IP (Internet Protocol) address of a computer system, we use InetAddress class of package, the getLocalHost method returns InetAddress object, which represents the localhost. Java IP address program import ; ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 19:57

  7. Garbage collection in Java

    Java program to perform garbage collection: Free memory in Java virtual machine is printed, and then garbage collection is done using the ... of current RunTime object. Garbage collection program in Java import java.util.* ; class GarbageCollection ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 18:51

  8. Java program to print date and time

    Java date and time program: Java code to print or display current system date and time. We are using the ... class in our program. Don't use Date and Time classes of java.util package as their methods are deprecated, i.e., they may not work in ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 18:35

  9. Binary search in Java

    Java program for binary search: This code implements the binary search ... || []).push({}); Binary search Java program import java.util.Scanner ; class BinarySearch {   public ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 09:11

  10. Linear search in Java

    Java program for linear search: Linear search is straightforward; to check if ... || []).push({}); Linear search Java program     import java.util.Scanner ; class LinearSearch {   public ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 05/12/2019 - 08:57
