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  1. C program to hide mouse pointer

    ... Program to show and hide mouse-pointer alternatively */ C program #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> ... , gm ;    initgraph ( & gd ,& gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;    status = initmouse ( ) ; ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  2. Textheight and textwidth functions in C

    ... function returns the width of a string in pixels. C program #include <graphics.h> #include <stdio.h> ... ] ;   initgraph ( & gd , & gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;   a = textheight ( "H" ) ; ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  3. fillpoly function in c

    ... and color which can be changed using setfillstyle . C program #include <graphics.h> #include <conio.h> main ( ... } ;    initgraph ( & gd , & gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;    fillpoly ( 4 , points ) ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  4. C program to get current position of mouse pointer

    ... to get mouse-pointer coordinates - where is the mouse */ C program #include<graphics.h> #include<conio.h> ... 50 ] ;    initgraph ( & gd ,& gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;    settextstyle ( DEFAULT_FONT , 0 ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 23/11/2019 - 11:40

  5. getpixel and putpixel functions in C

    ... plots a pixel at a point(x, y) of the specified color. C programming code for getpixel and putpixel #include<graphics.h> ... ] ;    initgraph ( & gd ,& gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;    putpixel ( x , y , RED ) ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 22/11/2019 - 20:43

  6. kbhit in C

    Function kbhit in C is used to determine if a key has been pressed or not. To use it in a program ... otherwise it returns zero. Declaration: int kbhit(); C programming code for kbhit #include <stdio.h> #include ... so the control will come out of the while loop. C programming: conio.h ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 22/11/2019 - 20:31

  7. getbkcolor function in C

    ... If current background color is GREEN, color will be 2. C program for getbkcolor #include <graphics.h> #include ... ] ;    initgraph ( & gd ,& gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;        bkcolor = getbkcolor ( ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 22/11/2019 - 20:24

  8. lineto function in C

    ... can get current position using getx and gety function. C programming code for lineto #include <graphics.h> #include ... gm ;    initgraph ( & gd , & gm , "C: \\ TC \\ BGI" ) ;    moveto ( 100 , 100 ) ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 22/11/2019 - 20:16

  9. C program to find the largest of three numbers

    C program to find the largest of three numbers: User will input three integers ... of operator and '&&' is the logical AND operator. C program to determine largest of three numbers #include <stdio.h> ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 30/10/2019 - 22:45

  10. putpixel function in c

    ... (35, 45) then we will write putpixel(35, 35, GREEN); in our c program, putpixel function can be used to draw circles, lines and ellipses using various algorithms. C programming code for putpixel #include<graphics.h> ...

    Yogesh Suneja - 08/01/2018 - 20:55
